Submission (proposal) EXTENDED until January 31st 2019.


May 27th to 31st 2019



National Museum of Fine Arts (Museu Nacional de Belas Artes – MNBA)
Avenida Rio Branco, 199 – Centro, Rio de Janeiro – RJ, Brazil. 55 (21) 2219-8474.


Presentations must be submitted in Portuguese, Spanish, French or English, and in one of the following modalities:

1) Oral presentations (15 minutes)

2) Posters

Proposals for both modalities will be assessed and selected by the Scientific Committee and they must be in agreement with the event’s theme.


We will accept proposals written in Spanish, French, English and Portuguese

Deadline for submission (proposal): January 15th 2019.

EXTENDED until 31st January

Results will be stated on: February 8th 2018.

Program will be released on: February 27th 2019.

Deadline for submission (text for publication): June 27th 2019.

Date and location of the event: May 27th to 31st 2019 at the National Museum of Fine Arts (Museu Nacional de Belas Artes), in Rio de Janeiro, Brazil.


Download, fill out, and send the formulary for communication proposals or posters to the following e-mail , with:
• Author(s) Name, title, institutional affiliation, address and e-mail.
• Title of presentation
• Keywords (3 to 5)
• Modality chosen (oral presentation or poster).
• Thematic axis to which the work is related
• Abstract highlighting the relevance of this work (up to 2.500 characters with spaces).
• Presentation / professional link (three lines maximum).





Texts for publication must be sent in a text file in a format that can be edited doc or docx as well as in PDF, to the electronic address until June 27th 2019.

The complete papers must have a minimum length of 10 pages and a maximum of 12 (a page is defined as being composed of 30 lines with up to 70 characters with spaces per line, amounting to about 2.100 characters with spaces per page). They can have 5 images maximum (included in the page count). They must be unpublished and follow the following format:

Page: Margins (upper, lower, left and right): 2,5 cm. Do NOT number the pages.

Title: Arial, size 11, bold, centered, all capital letters, no space between the lines and between paragraphs.

Author(s): Arial, size 11, bold, aligned to the right, without spaces between the lines or between paragraphs.

Text: Arial, size 11, justified, no indentation in the first line of paragraphs, 1,5 space between the lines and 6 pts between paragraphs.

Quotes of more than 3 lines: indentation of 4 cm, font 9, simple spaces between lines and 0 pts between paragraphs.

References: Use Author-Date system (ABNT NBR 10520).

Short cv of the author(s): At the end of the text, with a maximum size of 8 lines in font Arial, size 11, justified, no indentation in the first line of paragraph, simple spaces between lines and 6 pts between paragraphs.

Explanatory notes and bibliographic references: at the end of the document, sequentially numbered in Arabic numerals, Arial, size 9, justified, no indentations and/or separations, simple space between lines and 0 pts between paragraphs.

Images: texts must have a maximum of 5 images. Those images must have a minimum resolution of 300 dpi or 1024 pixels in the smaller side.
All visual resources (images, graphics, tables, plants, maps, etc.) must be identified in the lower part with captions and credits. Use Arial, size 9, centralized, no indentation and/or separations, no space between lines and between paragraphs.
Keep the Author-Date reference for the image sources.
The location of the images must be stated in the text and the image archives must be sent separately in either JPEG or TIFF (with no interpolation) in high resolution, identified with a number corresponding to the figure in the text.
Visual resources must be quoted in the text, identifying the place of their insertion.
We highlight the fact that these visual resources count in the final pagination of the article.

We remind you that all texts must follow the latest spelling norms and must be submitted to revision, given that authors will be held totally responsible for the contents of their writings. Authors will also be held responsible for obtaining all necessary authorizations for the images’ reproduction and publication rights.


The posters must be made in resistant materials with the following dimensions 120 cm (height) x 90 cm (length). They must be provided with support structures (rods) on the top and bottom for fastening.
They must include the following information:
Title – in bold
Author(s)’ name(s), followed by his/her/their professional or institutional status;
Abstract and/or topics highlighting the relevance of this work;
Keywords in bold;
Justification (s);
Bibliographical Reference(s) – only the most directly linked to the topic – in order to facilitate the understanding of the research;
An email address for contact, as well as websites and funding agencies can also be included – and must be mentioned in the lower bar.

In order for the poster to be published in the annals of the event, send the text archive in a format that can be edited doc or docx and in PDF to the following email address until June 27th 2019.

The article must have a minimum length of 1 page and a maximum of 3 (a page is here defined as being composed by 30 lines with up to 70 characters with spaces per line, amounting to about 2.100 characters with spaces per page). They can have 5 images maximum (included in the page count) and must follow the same formatting rules stated in the item called Text for publication.